

Akio Ishii, Nobutomo Nakamura,“Parameter-free multiscale analysis of hydrogen solubility in Pd nanofilms under hydrogen gas using density functional theory”, Journal of Applied Physics, 137 (2025) 064305.

A parameter-free multiscale analysis of hydrogen solubility, hydrogen coverage, and hydrogen bulk concentration for face-centered-cubic Pd nanofilms with a (111) surface under hydrogen gas conditions is proposed using density functional theory and a simple kinetic model. The calculated solubility is quantitatively comparable to that obtained via experimental observations. Although the Pd surface is fully covered by hydrogen in a short time (microseconds to milliseconds) under exposure to 10–10000 ppm hydrogen gas pressure (1.0 atm), the hydrogen concentration in the subsurface or bulk changes significantly on the experimental time scale depending on gas pressure. We confirmed that the hydrogen concentration in the bulk or subsurface of Pd nanofilms (not the Pd surface) plays a role in the resistance change of Pd through comparison between the calculated hydrogen concentration and experimental observations of an electric resistance change caused by exposure to hydrogen gas. A hydrogen sensor requires a 0.1% change in the hydrogen concentration in the bulk to observe a significant change in the electric resistance. Furthermore, we calculated the time-dependent diffusion coefficient of hydrogen in a Pd nanofilm and compared it with the experimental observed one. We also investigated temperature dependency of the solubility and confirmed that the hydrogen gas pressure determines hydrogen solubility in Pd nanofilms at the equilibrium state, whereas the temperature controls the speed to reach the equilibrium state.


Fan-Shun Meng, Shuhei Shinzato, Shihao Zhang, Kazuki Matsubara, Jun-Ping Du, Peijun Yu, Wen-Tong Geng, Shigenobu Ogata,“A highly transferable and efficient machine learning interatomic potentials study of α-Fe–C binary system”, Acta Materialia, 281 (2024) 120408.

Machine learning interatomic potentials(MLIPs) for α-iron and carbon binary system have been constructed aiming for understanding the mechanical behavior of Fe–C steel and carbides. The MLIPs were trained using an extensive reference database produced by spin polarized density functional theory(DFT) calculations. The MLIPs reach the DFT accuracies in many important properties which are frequently engaged in Fe and Fe–C studies, including kinetics and thermodynamics of C in α-Fe with vacancy, grain boundary, and screw dislocation, and basic properties of cementite and cementiteferrite interfaces. In conjunction with these MLIPs, the impact of C atoms on the mobility of screw dislocation at finite temperature, and the C-decorated core configuration of screw dislocation were investigated, and a uniaxial tensile test on a model with multiple types of defects was conducted.


Yangen Li, Jun-Ping Du, Shuhei Shinzato, Shigenobu Ogata,“Tunable interstitial and vacancy diffusivity by chemical ordering control in CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy”, npj Computational Materials, 10,134 (2024).

In this study, we utilized a quantitative atomistic analysis approach to investigate the impact of chemical ordering structures on the diffusion behavior of interstitials and vacancies within the CrCoNi medium entropy alloy (MEA), employing an advanced neural network interatomic potential (NNP). We discovered that the degree of chemical ordering, which can be precisely controlled through annealing at elevated temperatures, significantly influences both interstitial and vacancy diffusion. This phenomenon contributes to the notable sluggish diffusion characteristic of CrCoNi, largely attributable to the restriction of diffusion pathways in regions with lower degree of chemical ordering. We also emphasized the crucial role of operating temperature on diffusion, which should be remained well below the annealing temperature to preserve the sluggish diffusion effect. Our research sheds light on the interplay between chemical ordering and defect diffusion in MEAs, and it proposes effective strategies for tailoring the diffusivity of MEAs by altering their chemical ordering. These insights are instrumental in the development of next-generation materials, which are optimized for use in challenging environments, such as high-temperature and irradiation conditions.


Heting Liao, Hajime Kimizuka, Hiroshi Miyoshi, Shigenobu Ogata,“Atomistic modeling of nucleation kinetics of Guinier–Preston zones in Al–Cu alloys: Two formation scenarios and prediction of the time-temperature-transformation diagram”, Computational Materials Science, 242 (2024) 113069.

Metastable precipitates of solute atoms, known as Guinier–Preston (GP) zones, play a significant role in the age hardening of Al–Cu alloys. In this study, we utilized the classical nucleation theory (CNT) to obtain time temperature-transformation (TTT) diagrams for steady-state nucleation over a wide temperature range. The CNT model, which is based on atomistic simulations using artificial neural network potentials, was constructed to predict the nucleation kinetics of GP zones in the Al–Cu system with solute concentrations ranging from 1.3 to 2.5 at% (3.0 to 5.7 wt%). The nose temperature at which the steady-state nucleation time for GP zone formation is the shortest was calculated. The nose temperature increased and the minimum nucleation time decreased as the solute concentration increased. These predictions are comparable to previous theoretical results and are in good qualitative agreement with experimental observations. Furthermore, two formation scenarios of double-layer GP (GP2) zones, considering synchronous and asynchronous attachments of solute atoms to clusters, were compared in terms of nucleation efficiency. This provides new insights into the nucleation pathways of the GP2 zone in Al–Cu alloys.


Si-Mian Liu, Shi-Hao Zhang, Shigenobu Ogata, Hui-Long Yang, Sho Kano, Hiroaki Abe, *Wei-Zhong Han,“Direct Observation of Vacancy-Cluster-Mediated Hydride Nucleation and the Anomalous Precipitation Memory Effect in Zirconium”, Small, (2023) 2300319-1-7.

Controlling the heterogeneous nucleation of new phases is of importance in tuning the microstructures and properties of materials. However, the role of vacancy—a popular defect in materials that is hard to be resolved under conventional electron microscopy—in the heterogeneous phase nucleation remains intriguing. Here, this work captures direct in situ experimental evidences that vacancy clusters promote the heterogeneous hydride nucleation and cause the anomalous precipitation memory effect in zirconium. Both interstitial and vacancy dislocation loops form after hydride dissolution. Interestingly, hydride reprecipitation only occurs on those vacancy loop decorated sites during cooling. Atomistic simulations reveal that hydrogen atoms are preferentially segregated at individual vacancy and vacancy clusters, which assist hydride nucleation, and stimulate the unusual memory effect during hydride reprecipitation. The finding breaks the traditional view on the sequence of heterogeneous nucleation sites and sheds light on the solid phase transformation related to vacancy-sensitive alloying elements.


Heting Liao, Hajime Kimizuka, Hiroshi Miyoshi, Shigenobu Ogata,“Origin of the nucleation preference of coherent and semicoherent nanoprecipitates in Al–Cu alloys based on atomistically informed classical nucleation theory”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 938 (2022) 168559-1-13.

The age-hardening response during the heat-treatment process of Al–Cu alloys is significantly and non-linearly influenced by the type and size of metastable precipitates formed. In Al–Cu alloys, a semicoherent θ' phase, usually observed after the formation of coherent Guinier–Preston (GP) zones during aging, is the key strengthening precipitate. Thus, identifying the energetics of preferential nucleation of these precipitates is essential for clarifying the optimal conditions for the formation of precipitates that effectively contribute to hardening. In this study, using classical nucleation theory (CNT) along with a recently developed machine-learning-based interatomic potential with near first-principles accuracy, we characterized the nucleation preference of coherent GP zones and semicoherent θ' nanoprecipitates in Al–Cu alloys at various temperatures and solute concentrations. Our atomistically informed CNT model revealed the overall temperature and solute-concentration dependencies of the nucleation barriers of the nanoprecipitates, which determine the crossover temperatures at which the ease of formation of each precipitate alternates at the solute concentration of interest. The predicted results were in good agreement with the previous experimental observations. The findings of this study contribute to furthering the understanding of the driving forces for nucleation of precipitates in Al–Cu alloys at an atomic level and provide theoretical guidance for identifying the optimal age-hardening response.


Jun-Ping Du, Peijun Yu, Shuhei Shinzato, Fan-Shun Meng, Yuji Sato, Yangen Li, Yiwen Fana, Shigenobu Ogata,“Chemical domain structure and its formation kinetics in CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy”, Acta Materialia, 240 (2022) 118314-1-11.

The formation of local chemical order in medium-entropy alloys and high-entropy alloys (MEAs/HEAs) has been strongly suggested in recent experimental observations. Since chemical order can lead to changes in mechanical and functional properties, tailoring of chemical order is a promising approach for further improving those properties of MEAs and HEAs. However, details remain unclear regarding the atomic structure of the chemical order and the formation kinetics. Here, employing a large-scale Monte Carlo/molecular dynamics hybrid annealing simulation with a neural network potential, we find a chemical-domain structure (CDS) after annealing below 800 K in FCC CrCoNi MEA. In addition, the forma- tion kinetics, such as the formation time and process and time–temperature–chemical-order diagrams of the CDS, were successfully obtained using a kinetic Monte Carlo simulation with artificial neural network acceleration. The findings provide key information for controlling chemical order via thermal processing.


Yangen Li, Jun-Ping Du, Peijun Yu, Rui Li, Shuhei Shinzato, Qing Peng, Shigenobu Ogata,“Chemical ordering effect on the radiation resistance of a CoNiCrFeMn high-entropy alloy”, Computational Materials Science, 214 (2022) 111764-1-12.

The chemical ordering of CoNiCrFeMn and its effect on radiation resistance is analyzed in this study via Monte Carlo (MC) annealing simulation and molecular dynamics (MD) radiation damage simulation. MC annealing at a lower temperature of 600 K forms an initial stage Cr-rich region in CoNiCrFeMn due to a strong chemical ordering-driven phase decomposition; whereas, annealing at a higher temperature of 1100 K forms a chemical short-range order (CSRO). MD radiation damage simulation shows that the Cr-rich region formed by 600 Kannealing accelerates the aggregation and the evolution of defects, facilitating more dislocation loops formation. On the other hand, the CSRO structure formed by 1100 K annealing effectively delays the growth of defect number and tends to reduce the dislocation density and defect diffusion, suggesting better radiation resistance. However, the CSRO structure is destroyed by radiation, thus these advantages of CSRO will disappear in due time if CSRO cannot heal. Fortunately, since the CSRO can recover at working temperature of 1100 K, we speculate that under the working temperature of 1100 K and with a modest radiation damage rate, the advantages of CSRO can maintain for a long time. We finally discuss the condition of the CSRO preservation by proposing a CSRO radiation damage – diffusion healing competition model.


Nobutomo Nakamura, Koji Matsuura, Akio Ishii, and Hirotsugu Ogi,“Restructuring in bimetallic core-shell nanoparticles: Real-time observation”, Physical Review B, 105 (2022) 125401-1-5.

The formation process of core-shell bimetallic nanoparticles synthesized by sputtering onto a substrate is observed in real time using an originally developed acoustic technique. The technique enables us to evaluate the structural change of nanoparticles at room temperature without contacting the nanoparticles or substrate. In the experiments, the sputtering of metal A followed by metal B tended to form B-shell/A-core nanoparticles. However, in Pd-Au alloy system, notable restructuring occurred during synthesis, resulting in the formation of A-shell/B-core nanoparticles. The formation process is analyzed using the molecular dynamics simulation, revealing that this restructuring occurs on a short timescale, and high diffusivity of Au plays an important role.


Fan-Shun Meng, Jun-Ping Du, Shuhei Shinzato, Hideki Mori, Peijun Yu, Kazuki Matsubara, Nobuyuki Ishikawa, and Shigenobu Ogata,“General-purpose neural network interatomic potential for the α-iron and hydrogen binary system: Toward atomic-scale understanding of hydrogen embrittlement”, Physical Review Materials, 5, 11 (2021) 113606-1-16.

To understand the physics of hydrogen embrittlement at the atomic scale, a general-purpose neural network interatomic potential (NNIP) for the α-iron and hydrogen binary system is presented. It is trained using an extensive reference database produced by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The NNIP can properly describe the interactions of hydrogen with various defects in α-iron, such as vacancies, surfaces, grain boundaries, and dislocations; in addition to the basic properties of α-iron itself, the NNIP also handles the defect properties in α-iron, hydrogen behavior in α-iron, and hydrogen-hydrogen interactions in α-iron and in vacuum, including the hydrogen molecule formation and dissociation at the α-iron surface. These are superb challenges for the existing empirical interatomic potentials, like the embedded-atom method based potentials, for the α-iron and hydrogen binary system. In this study, the NNIP was applied to several key phenomena necessary for understanding hydrogen embrittlement, such as hydrogen charging and discharging to α-iron, hydrogen transportation in defective α-iron, hydrogen trapping and desorption at the defects, and hydrogen-assisted cracking at the grain boundary. Unlike the existing interatomic potentials, the NNIP simulations quantitatively described the atomistic details of hydrogen behavior in the defective α-iron system with DFT accuracy. (Potential files download)


Xiang Wang, Sixue Zheng, Shuhei Shinzato, Zhengwu Fang, Yang He, Li Zhong, Chongmin Wang, Shigenobu Ogata, Scott X. Mao,“Atomistic processes of surface-diffusion-induced abnormal softening in nanoscale metallic crystals”, Nature Communications, 12 (2021) 5237-1-9.

Ultrahigh surface-to-volume ratio in nanoscale materials, could dramatically facilitate mass transport, leading to surface-mediated diffusion similar to Coble-type creep in polycrystalline materials. Unfortunately, the Coble creep is just a conceptual model, and the associated physical mechanisms of mass transport have never been revealed at atomic scale. Akin to the ambiguities in Coble creep, atomic surface diffusion in nanoscale crystals remains largely unclear, especially when mediating yielding and plastic flow. Here, by using in situ nanomechanical testing under high-resolution transmission electron microscope, we find that the diffusion-assisted dislocation nucleation induces the transition from a normal to an inverse Hall-Petch-like relation of the strength-size dependence and the surface-creep leads to the abnormal softening in flow stress with the reduction in size of nanoscale silver, contrary to the classical “alternating dislocation starvation” behavior in nanoscale platinum. This work provides insights into the atomic-scale mechanisms of diffusion-mediated deformation in nanoscale materials, and impact on the design for ultrasmall-sized nanomechanical devices.


Rodrigo Pinheiro Campos, Shuhei Shinzato, Akio Ishii, Shuichi Nakamura, Shigenobu Ogata,“Database-driven semigrand canonical Monte Carlo method: Application to segregation isotherm on defects in alloys”, Physical Review E, 104 (2021) 025310-1-15.

The application of existing semigrand canonical ensemble Monte Carlo algorithms to alloys requires the chemical potential difference values between pairs of atomic species in the alloys as inputs. However, finding the appropriate values for a target system at a desired temperature and bulk composition is a time-consuming task consisting of multiple test runs to determine the chemical potential differences. This problem becomes more serious when dealing with systems containing three or more atomic species, such as medium- and high-entropy alloys, due to the increase of the number of chemical potential differences that need to be calculated. Here we propose a method for sampling from the semigrand canonical ensemble that relies on energy databases acting as an external atomic reservoir at the desired temperature and composition. Given these energy databases, the desired bulk composition and corresponding chemical potential differences can be satisfied in a “single” Monte Carlo simulation. Moreover, the energy databases shed light on the underlying energetics of alloys, reflecting their local chemical ordering.We demonstrate the validity of this method using analyses of segregation isotherms at grain boundaries and dislocations in two alloy systems: Fe–1-at.-%-Si and NiCoCr medium-entropy alloy.We also discuss the possibly relevant information contained in such energy databases.

Kazuto Arakawa, Akira Kageyama, Hideto Hiroshima, Hidehiro Yasuda, Shigenobu Ogata,“Hydrogen Effects on the Migration of Nanoscale Cavities in Iron”, ISIJ International, 61, 8 (2021) 2305-2307.

Accurate knowledge of the influence of hydrogen on the behavior of vacancies and vacancy clusters is crucial for understanding the mechanism of hydrogen embrittlement of α-iron and its alloys. Using in-situ transmission electron microscopy, we examined the effects of hydrogen on the behavior of nanoscale cavities under heating, by comparison between the behaviors of cavities without hydrogen produced upon high-energy electron irradiation and those with hydrogen produced upon electro-deposition. It is revealed that hydrogen promotes the migration of cavities, in contrast to a traditional notion.


Zeqi Shen, Jun-Ping Du, Shuhei Shinzato, Yuji Sato, Peijun Yu, Shigenobu Ogata, “Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation framework for chemical short-range order formation kinetics in a multi-principal-element alloy”, Computational Materials Science, 198 (2021) 110670-1-8.

Multi-principal-element alloys—so-called high-entropy alloys (HEAs)—contain multiple equiatomic or nearly equiatomic elements and are attracting increasing attention in basic and applied research because of their superior mechanical properties. Recently, the existence of chemical short-range order (CSRO)/local chemical ordering in HEAs has been experimentally confirmed and its effects on the mechanical properties of HEAs have been studied. However, the formation process and kinetics of CSRO have not yet been fully clarified. In the present study, we propose a simulation framework to study CSRO formation kinetics based on Monte Carlo and kinetic Monte Carlo simulation methods. Applying the simulation framework to quinary face-centered-cubic multi-principal-element alloys described by Lennard–Jones interatomic model potentials, we obtained the temperature-dependent CSRO formation kinetics via vacancy diffusion and constructed a time–temperature–CSRO degree diagram, which enables the CSRO of HEAs to be tailored via thermal processing.


Hiroshi Miyoshi, Hajime Kimizuka, Akio Ishii, and Shigenobu Ogata, “Competing nucleation of single- and double‑layer Guinier–Preston zones in Al–Cu alloys”, Scientific Reports, 11 (2021) 4503-1-11.

Solid-state precipitation is a key heat-treatment strategy for strengthening engineering alloys. Therefore, predicting the precipitation process of localized solute-rich clusters, such as Guinier–Preston (GP) zones, is necessary. We quantitatively evaluated the critical nucleus size and nucleation barrier of GP zones in Al–Cu alloys, illustrating the precipitation preferences of single-layer (GP1) and double-layer (GP2) GP zones. Based on classical nucleation theory using an effective multi-body potential for dilute Al–Cu systems, our model predicted GP1 and GP2 precipitation sequences at various temperatures and Cu concentrations in a manner consistent with experimental observations. The crossover between formation enthalpy curves of GP1 and GP2 with increasing cluster size determines the critical conditions under which GP2 zones can nucleate without prior formation of GP1 zones. This relationship reflects competing interactions within and between clusters. The results illustrate the underlying mechanisms of competing nucleation between zones, and provide guidance for tailoring aging conditions to achieve desired mechanical properties for specific applications.


Jun-Ping Du, W. T. Geng, Kazuto Arakawa, Ju Li and Shigenobu Ogata, "Hydrogen-enhanced Vacancy Diffusion in Metals", The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11 (2020) 7015-7020.

Vacancy diffusion is fundamental to materials science. Hydrogen atoms bind strongly to vacancy, and were often believed to retard vacancy diffusion. Here, we use potential-of-mean-force method to study the diffusion of vacancy in Cu and Pd. We find H-atoms, instead of dragging, enhance the diffusivity of vacancy due to a positive hydrogen Gibbs excess at the saddle-point: that is, the migration attracts more H than the vacancy ground state, characterized by an activation excess ΓmH ∼1 H, together with also-positive migration activation volume Ωm and activation entropy Sm. Thus, according to the Gibbs adsorption isotherm generalized to the activation path, higher μH significantly lowers the migration free-energy barrier. This is verified by ab initio grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations and direct molecular dynamics simulations. This trend is believed to be generic for migrating dislocations, grain boundaries, etc. that also have higher capacity for attracting H due to positive activation volume at the migration saddles.


Yangen Li, Rui Li, Qing peng, Shigenobu Ogata, "Reduction of dislocation, mean free path, and migration barriers by high entropy alloy: insights from atomistic study of irradiation damage of CoNiCrFeMn", Nanotechnology, 31, 42 (2020) 425701-1-8.

High entropy alloy has attracted extensive attention in nuclear energy due to the outstanding irradiation resistance, partially owing to the sluggish diffusion. The mechanism from defect-generation aspect, however, has received much less attention. In this paper, the formation of dislocation loops, and migration of interstitials and vacancies in CoNiCrFeMn high entropy alloy under consecutive bombardments were studied by molecular dynamics simulations. Compared to pure Ni, less defects were produced in the CoNiCrFeMn. Only few small dislocation loops were observed, and the length of dislocation was small. The dislocation loops in Ni matrix were obviously longer, and so was the length of dislocation. The interstitial clusters had much smaller mean free path during migration in the CoNiCrFeMn. The mean free path of 10-interstitial clusters in CoNiCrFeMn was reduced over 40 times compared to that in pure Ni. In addition, CoNiCrFeMn had smaller difference of migration energy between interstitial and vacancy, which increased the opportunity of recombination of defects, therefore, led to less defects and much fewer dislocation loops. Our results provide insights of the mechanism of irradiation resistance in the high entropy alloy and could be useful in material design for irradiation tolerance and accident tolerance materials in nuclear energy.


De-Gang Xie, Zhi-Yu Nie, Shuhei Shinzato, Yue-Qing Yang, Feng-Xian Liu, Shigenobu Ogata, Ju Li, Evan Ma, Zhi-Wei Shan, "Controlled growth of single-crystalline metal nanowires via thermomigration across a nanoscale junction", Nature Communications, 10 (2019) 4478-1-8.

Mass transport driven by temperature gradient is commonly seen in fluids. However, here we demonstrate that when drawing a cold nano-tip off a hot solid substrate, thermomigration can be so rampant that it can be exploited for producing single-crystalline aluminum, copper, silver and tin nanowires. This demonstrates that in nanoscale objects, solids can mimic liquids in rapid morphological changes, by virtue of fast surface diffusion across short distances. During uniform growth, a thin neck-shaped ligament containing a grain boundary (GB) usually forms between the hot and the cold ends, sustaining an extremely high temperature gradient that should have driven even larger mass flux, if not counteracted by the relative sluggishness of plating into the GB and the resulting back stress. This GB-containing ligament is quite robust and can adapt to varying drawing directions and velocities, imparting good controllability to the nanowire growth in a manner akin to Czochralski crystal growth.


Hiroshi Miyoshi, Hajime Kimizuka, Akio Ishii, Shigenobu Ogata, "Temperature-dependent nucleation kinetics of Guinier-Preston zones in Al-Cu alloys: An atomistic kinetic Monte Carlo and classical nucleation theory approach", Acta Materialia, 179 (2019) 262-272.

Guinier-Preston (GP) zones, which form in Al-Cu alloys, exhibit characteristic patterns of Cu-rich, disk-shaped atomic clusters along the {100} planes. GP zones have received much attention not only for their precipitation-hardening effect on the Al matrix, but also from fundamental interest in the physics and chemistry of the nanoscale organization of solute atoms. In this study, we established an atomistic kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) modeling technique for exploring the nucleation and formation processes of GP zones in Al-Cu alloys by constructing an effective on-lattice multibody potential for a dilute Al-Cu-vacancy system by density functional theory calculations. Our model can describe the clustering of Cu atoms via successive exchanges with vacancies and reproduce the characteristic planar nanoprecipitates along the {100} planes in a manner consistent with the crystallographic nature of the GP zones in the early-stage aging of Al-Cu alloys. The time evolution and critical nucleus size of Cu clusters were characterized at various temperatures based on the kMC results. Consequently, we predicted the existence of an optimum temperature (i.e., nose temperature) for the formation of Cu clusters at which the cluster growth was maximized, which was attributable to the interplay between the critical nucleation barrier and the diffusion rate. In addition, the critical nucleus size and temperature for cluster formation were examined based on classical nucleation theory along with the developed multibody potential. These provided an insight into the competition between the enthalpic and entropic effects on the formation of GP zones in the Al-Cu system.


Hajime Kimizuka, Shigenobu Ogata, and Motoyuki Shiga, "Unraveling anomalous isotope effect on hydrogen diffusivities in fcc metals from first principles including nuclear quantum effects", Physical Review B, 100-2, (2019) 024104-1-9.

The behavior of H isotopes in crystals is a fundamental and recurrent theme in materials physics. Especially, the information on H diffusion over a wide temperature range provides a critical insight into the quantum mechanical nature of the subject; however, this is not yet fully explored. From state-of-the-art ab initio calculations to treat both electrons and nuclei quantum mechanically, we found that the temperature dependence of H isotope diffusivities in face-centered-cubic (fcc) Pd has an unconventional “reversed S” shape on Arrhenius plots. Such irregular behavior is ascribed to the competition between different nuclear quantum effects with different temperature and mass dependencies, which leads to a peculiar situation, where the heavier tritium (3H) diffuses faster than the lighter protium (1H) in the limited temperature range of 80–400 K. This unveils the mechanism of anomalous crossovers between the normal and reversed isotope effects observed in the experiments at high and low temperatures.


Yun-Jiang Wang, Jun-Ping Du, Shuhei Shinzato, Lan-Hong Dai and Shigenobu Ogata, "A free energy landscape perspective on the nature of collective diffusion in amorphous solids" , Acta Materialia, 157 (2018) 165-173.

The nature of collective diffusion in amorphous solids is in strong contrast with diffusion in crystals. However, the atomic-scale mechanism and kinetics of such collective diffusion remains elusive. Here the free energy landscape of collective diffusion triggered by single atom hopping in a prototypical Cu50Zr50 metallic glass is explored with well-tempered metadynamics which significantly expands the observation timescale of diffusion at atomic-scale. We clarify an experimentally suggested collective atomic diffusion mechanism in the deep glassy state. The collective nature is strongly temperature-dependent. It evolves from string-like motion with only several atoms to be large size collective diffusion at high temperature, which can promote the atomic transport upon glass transition temperature. We also clarify the apparent diffusivity is dominated by the highest free energy barrier of atomic diffusion among widely distributed free energy barriers due to the dynamic heterogeneity of metallic glass, which suggests the sequential nature of diffusion is a proper assumption to the metallic glasses with dynamic heterogeneity. The temperature and pressure dependence of diffusion free energy landscape are further quantified with activation entropy, (19.6 ± 2.5)kB, and activation volume, (7.9 ± 3.4) Å3, which agree quantitatively with experiments. Laboratory timescale simulations of atomic diffusion brings physical insights into the unique atomic motion mechanism in non-crystalline materials.


Shuhei Shinzato, Ei Kasuya, and Shigenobu Ogata, "Study of Interstitial Atom Diffusion in Nanowire using Duffusion Equation driven by Chemo-Mechanical Potential" , Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 67-2 (2018) 263-268.

Impurity atom distribution and its time evolution in cylindrical nanowire were studied using a diffusion equation based on chemo-mechanical potential, which considered coupling effects between chemical potential (chemical effect) and internal stress (mechanical effect) due to interstitial impurity atoms. We did consider diffusion blocking and nanowire yielding effects when we solved the diffusion equation. The yield criterion was described by comparing local volumetric strain caused by impurity atoms with critical volumetric strain at which the lattice instability appears. Obtained results used the diffusion equation with realistic materials parameters indicate a possibility of nanowire yielding due to interstitial atom diffusion and diffusion slowdown due to the yielding.


Hajime Kimizuka, Shigenobu Ogata, and Motoyuki Shiga , “Mechanism of fast lattice diffusion of hydrogen in palladium: Interplay of quantum fluctuations and lattice strain”, Physical Review B, 97-1 (2018) 014102-1-11.

Understanding the underlying mechanism of the nanostructure-mediated high diffusivity of H in Pd is of recent scientific interest and also crucial for industrial applications. Here, we present a decisive scenario explaining the emergence of the fast lattice-diffusion mode of interstitial H in face-centered cubic Pd, based on the quantum mechanical natures of both electrons and nuclei under finite strains. Ab initio path-integral molecular dynamics was applied to predict the temperature- and strain-dependent free energy profiles for H migration in Pd over a temperature range of 150–600 K and under hydrostatic tensile strains of 0.0%–2.4%; such strain conditions are likely to occur in real systems, especially around the elastic fields induced by nanostructured defects. The simulated results revealed that, for preferential H location at octahedral sites, as in unstrained Pd, the activation barrier for H migration ( Q ) was drastically increased with decreasing temperature owing to nuclear quantum effects. In contrast, as tetrahedral sites increased in stability with lattice expansion, nuclear quantum effects became less prominent and ceased impeding H migration. This implies that the nature of the diffusion mechanism gradually changes from quantum- to classical-like as the strain is increased. For H atoms in Pd at the hydrostatic strain of ∼ 2.4 % , we determined that the mechanism promoted fast lattice diffusion ( Q = 0.11 eV) of approximately 20 times the rate of conventional H diffusion ( Q = 0.23 eV) in unstrained Pd at a room temperature of 300 K.


Yushi Nakagami, Hajime Kimizuka, and Shigenobu Ogata , “Controlling Factors for the Formation of Guinier-Preston Zones in Al-Cu Alloys: An Atomistic Study”, Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, 80-9 (2016) 575-584 [in Japanese].

Nanosized precipitates of solute atoms, which are often called "Guinier-Preston (GP) zones," are known to play a significant role in the precipitation-hardening effect on the Al alloys. In this study, the controlling factors for the formation of solute nanoclusters as in GP1 and GP2 zones, which are observed in the early and middle stages, respectively, of aging in the Al-Cu system, were investigated by extracting and examining the intra- and intercluster interaction energies of Cu in Al using density functional theory (DFT). DFT-calculated two- and three-body binding energies for Cu indicated that a Cu-Cu pair tends to bind at the first nearest-neighbor (1NN) positions, and a Cu-Cu-Cu triplet energetically prefers the arrangement of the triangular atomic cluster that contains two Cu-Cu pairs at the 1NN positions on the same {100} plane. Such a characteristic short-range ordering was suggested to be dominated by attractive three-body interactions due to the chemical (charge localization) effect, leading to planar clustering as found in the GP1 zones along the {100} planes. Intercluster interaction energies between two Cu planar clusters in Al were also calculated based on DFT. The results indicated that the energetically preferable configuration was the one in which two planar clusters are aligned at an intercluster distance of 2a (where a is the lattice constant of Al); it is noteworthy that this distance was the same to that in the basic structures of the GP2 zones observed in the experiments. A potential model for a dilute Al-Cu system was constructed on the basis of the extracted intra- and intercluster interactions, and then applied to atomistic Monte Carlo modeling for predicting the planar segregation of Cu atoms at finite temperatures. As a result, the formation of planar Cu clusters and the alignment of two planer clusters separated by 2a were successfully reproduced within a specific temperature range. This demonstrated that these interactions were important controlling factors for the formation of a characteristic pattern of solute clusters in the Al-Cu system.


Masakazu Tane, Hajime Kimizuka, and Tetsu Ichitsubo, “Two distinct crystallization processes in supercooled liquid”, Journal of Chemical Physics, 144 (2016) 194505-1-10.

Using molecular dynamics simulations we show that two distinct crystallization processes, depending on the temperature at which crystallization occurs, appear in a supercooled liquid. As a model for glass-forming materials, an Al2O3 model system, in which both the glass transition and crystallization from the supercooled liquid can be well reproduced, is employed. Simulations in the framework of an isothermal-isobaric ensemble indicate that the calculated time-temperature-transformation curve for the crystallization to gamma(defect spinel)-Al2O3 exhibited a typical nose shape, as experimentally observed in various glass materials. During annealing above the nose temperature, the structure of the supercooled liquid does not change before the crystallization, because of the high atomic mobility (material transport). Thus, the crystallization is governed by the abrupt crystal nucleation, which results in the formation of a stable crystal structure. In contrast, during annealing below the nose temperature, the structure of the supercooled liquid gradually changes before the crystallization, and the formed crystal structure is less stable than that formed above the nose temperature, because of the restricted material transport.


Marco Fronzi, Hajime Kimizuka, and Shigenobu Ogata, “Atomistic investigation of the vacancy-assisted diffusion mechanism in Mg ternary (Mg-RE-M) alloys”, Computational Materials Science, 98 (2015) 76-82.

To investigate the kinetics of the formation of solute cluster structures in some of the Mg ternary alloys, we perform a first-principles analysis of some fundamental quantities in doped Mg lattices. We calculate interaction energies between vacancy and solute atoms in both Mg hexagonal close packed (HCP) and face-centered cubic (FCC) crystal structures. In particular, we consider in this work Al, Gd, Y, and Zn solute atoms. Also, to understand the diffusion mechanism, we calculate vacancy-assisted diffusion for Mg and solute atoms in HCP and FCC lattices using the nudge elastic band method.


Hajime Kimizuka, Shu Kurokawa, Akihiro Yamaguchi, Akira Sakai, and Shigeobu Ogata, “Two-Dimensional Ordering of Solute Nanoclusters at a Close-Packed Stacking Fault: Modeling and Experimental Analysis”, Scientific Reports, 4 (2014), 7318-1-7318-9.

Predicting the equilibrium ordered structures at internal interfaces, especially in the case of nanometer-scale chemical heterogeneities, is an ongoing challenge in materials science. In this study, we established an ab-initio coarse-grained modeling technique for describing the phase-like behavior of a close-packed stacking-fault-type interface containing solute nanoclusters, which undergo a two-dimensional disorder-order transition, depending on the temperature and composition. Notably, this approach can predict the two-dimensional medium-range ordering in the nanocluster arrays realized in Mg-based alloys, in a manner consistent with scanning tunneling microscopy-based measurements. We predicted that the repulsively interacting solute-cluster system undergoes a continuous evolution into a highly ordered densely packed morphology while maintaining a high degree of six-fold orientational order, which is attributable mainly to an entropic effect. The uncovered interaction-dependent ordering properties may be useful for the design of nanostructured materials utilizing the self-organization of two-dimensional nanocluster arrays in the close-packed interfaces.


Hajime Kimizuka and Shigenobu Ogata,"Predicting Atomic Arrangement of Solute Clusters in Dilute Mg Alloys", Materials Research Letters, 1-4 (2013) 213-219.

Theoretical prediction of the heterogeneous atomic structures in multicomponent alloys is one of the most challenging issues in materials science. Here we present a first-principles demonstration of this by constructing an on-lattice effective multibody potential model to describe the energetics of hexagonal close-packed Mg crystals containing stacking faults (SFs) with Al and Gd substitutions. Remarkably, we showed that our intuitive model can describe the segregation of solute atoms to SFs and reproduce the characteristic short-range chemical order in dilute Mg–Gd and Mg–Al–Gd systems, including long-period stacking ordered structures, in a manner consistent with recent scanning transmission electron microscopy measurements.


Yun-Jinag Wang, Guo-Jie Jason Gao, and Shigenobu Ogata, "Atomistic understanding of diffusion kinetics in nanocrystals from molecular dynamics simulations", Physical Review B, 88-11 (2013) 115413-1-7.

Understanding the grain size effect on diffusion in nanocrystals has been hampered by the difficulty of measuring diffusion directly in experiments. Here large-scale atomistic modeling is applied to understand the diffusion kinetics in nanocrystals. Enhanced short-circuit diffusivity is revealed to be controlled by the rule of mixtures for grain-boundary diffusion and lattice diffusion, which can be accurately described by the Maxwell-Garnett equation instead of the commonly thought Hart equation, and the thermodynamics of pure grain-boundary self-diffusion is not remarkably affected by varying grain size. Experimentally comparable Arrhenius parameters with atomic detail validate our results. We also propose a free-volume diffusion mechanism considering negative activation entropy and small activation volume. These help provide a fundamental understanding of how the activation parameters depend on size and the structure-property relationship of nanostructured materials from a physical viewpoint.


Hajime Kimizuka, Marco Fronzi, and Shigenobu Ogata, "Effect of alloying elements on in-plane ordering/disordering of solute clusters in Mg-based long-period stacking ordered structures: A first-principles analysis", Scripta Materialia, 69-8 (2013) 594-597.

Using density functional theory, we characterized the in-plane binding between L12-type solute clusters in Mg-M-RE (M = Al, Zn; RE = Y, Gd) long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) structures. The difference between the Al and Zn concentrations within the clusters determines whether the intercluster interaction is attractive or repulsive. Incomplete in-plane ordering observed experimentally in Mg-Zn-Y LPSO structures was suggested to be caused by the unlinked nature of the clusters owing to their significant inward contraction.


Yun-jiang Wang, Akio Ishii, and Shigenobu Ogata, "Entropic effect on creep in nanocrystalline metals", Acta Materialia, 61-10 (2013) 3866-3871.

We report a significant entropic effect on creep of nanocrystalline metal using molecular dynamics. Our simulations reveal that the activation entropy may contribute a multiplicative factor of many orders of magnitude to the steady-state creep rate. The relationship between activation entropy and enthalpy obeys an empirical Meyer-Neldel compensation rule. The activation volume is found to decrease with increasing temperature for dislocation nucleation creep, which agrees well with experimental results. The study opens up an avenue for quantitatively discussing the entropic effects on various thermally activated deformations in nanocrystals.


Akio Ishii, Ju Li, and Shigenobu Ogata, "”Conjugate Channeling” Effect in Dislocation Core Diffusion: Carbon Transport in Dislocated BCC Iron", PloS one, 8-4 (2013) e60586-1-7.

Dislocation pipe diffusion seems to be a well-established phenomenon. Here we demonstrate an unexpected effect, that the migration of interstitials such as carbon in iron may be accelerated not in the dislocation line direction ξ, but in a conjugate diffusion direction. This accelerated random walk arises from a simple crystallographic channeling effect. c is a function of the Burgers vector b, but not ξ, thus a dislocation loop possesses the same everywhere. Using molecular dynamics and accelerated dynamics simulations, we further show that such dislocation-core-coupled carbon diffusion in iron has temperature-dependent activation enthalpy like a fragile glass. The 71° mixed dislocation is the only case in which we see straightforward pipe diffusion that does not depend on dislocation mobility.


Narumasa Miyazaki, Masato Wakeda, and Shigenobu Ogata, "Temperature Dependence of Viscosity in Supercooled Liquid of Cu-Zr Bulk Metallic Glass by Molecular Dynamics", Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 62-3 (2013) 172-178. [in Japanese]

When a cooling rate is fast enough to prevent crystallization, molten metals are solidified into a disordered structure as known amorphous metals. During the cooling process, molten metals become supercooled liquid below the melting point, and dynamic factors such as viscosity and relaxation time rapidly increase, while static factors such as density show no significant change. In the present study, we investigated a temperature dependence of viscosity of Cu-Zr bulk metallic glass above the glass transition temperature Tg using both molecular dynamics (MD) technique and a recently developed energetic technique. A limitation of MD time scale prevents us to calculate viscosity at Tg, because a relaxation time of supercooled liquid becomes significantly long at lightly above Tg. On the other hand, a new method developed by Kushima et. al., analyzes transition state pathway trajectory from an energy viewpoint and provides viscosity of liquid state at wide temperature range from sufficient high temperature to Tg. We discuss a temperature dependence of viscosity of Cu-Zr bulk metallic glass both from atomistic and energetic viewpoints.


Takehiro Yoshikawa, Toshiyuki Takayanagi, Hajime Kimizuka, and Motoyuki Shiga, "Quantum-thermal crossover of hydrogen and tritium diffusion in alpha-iron", Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116-43 (2012) 23113-23119.

The diffusion coefficients of hydrogen (H) and tritium (T) in α-Fe have been computed using two approximate quantum dynamical techniques, that is, centroid molecular dynamics (CMD) and ring polymer molecular dynamics (RPMD), in the temperature range of T = 100-1000 K using the embedded atom method (EAM) potential. It has been found that the RPMD and CMD methods give very similar results. From a further analysis based on quantum transition-state theory (centroid density QTST) combined with path integral molecular dynamics (PIMD), it has been clear that there is a crossover between thermal and quantum mechanisms at about T = 500 and 300 K for H and T diffusions, respectively. The importance of nuclear quantum effects at low temperatures has been illustrated in terms of the effective free-energy surface map.


Akio Ishii, Shigenobu Ogata, Hajime Kimizuka, and Ju Li, "Adaptive-boost molecular dynamics simulation of carbon diffusion in iron", Physical Review B, 85-6 (2012) 064303-1-7 .

We have developed an accelerated molecular dynamics (MD) method to model atomic-scale rare events. In this method, a smooth histogram of collective variables is first estimated by canonical ensemble molecular dynamics calculations, and then a temperature-dependent boost potential is iteratively constructed to accelerate the MD simulation. This method not only allows us to observe the rare events but also to evaluate the profile of free energy and trial frequency along the reaction coordinate. We employed this method to study carbon diffusion in bcc iron and evaluated carbon's temperature-dependent diffusivity. The obtained diffusivities agree well with the experimental measurements. Even at low temperature for which, to the best of our knowledge, no experimental data are available, the diffusivity can be evaluated accurately. Additionally, we study carbon diffusion inside the edge dislocation core in bcc iron, and demonstrate the applicability of the method to rare events on a rugged free-energy surface.


Akio Ishii, Hajime Kimizuka, and Shigenobu Ogata, "Multi-replica Molecular Dynamics Modeling", Computational Materials Science, 54-1 (2012) 240-248.

We propose a new unified modeling concept, multi-replica molecular dynamics (MRMD), which is a collective designation for molecular dynamics (MD) or particle dynamics (PD) that simultaneously follows the time evolution of two or more replica systems. Numerous methods in various fields (physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, astronomy, etc.) can be classified in MRMD, such as parallel replica methods, the nudged elastic band method, path integral methods, replica exchange methods, and the multi-walker metadynamics method. However, the relations between these MRMD methods have not been clarified, and a global understanding or unified methodological framework remains to be presented. Therefore, herein, we discuss the relations between various MRMD methods to provide a comprehensive understanding of these methods. Then, with this understanding, we describe a concise implementation of MRMD into conventional domain- and particle-decomposition parallel MD program codes, instead of the somewhat intuitive replica-parallel implementation. Finally, we demonstrate examples of different MRMD calculations performed using our parallel MRMD program “ParaMrMD.”


Yun-jiang Wang, Akio Ishii, and Shigenobu Ogata, "Grain Size Dependence of Creep in Nanocrystalline Copper by Molecular Dynamics", Materials Transactions, 53-1 (2012) 156-160.

The grain size dependence of creep is critical to understand the plastic deformation mechanism of nanoscale metals. Here we used molecular dynamics to study the stress-induced grain size exponent transition in creep of nanocrystalline copper. The grain size exponent was found to initially increase with increasing stress, then decrease after some critical stress. The derived grain size exponents are in agreement with experimental results for diffusional and grain boundary sliding creep at low stress. While, the founded decreasing grain size exponent with increasing stress for dislocation nucleation creep in nanocrystal is in contrast with conventional materials. We propose a constitutive equation for dislocation nucleation governed creep in nanocrystal to explain its grain size dependence transition with stress.


Yun-Jiang Wang, Akio Ishii, and Shigenobu Ogata, "Transition of creep mechanism in nanocrystalline metals", Physical Review B, 84-22 (2011) 224102-1-7.

Understanding creep mechanisms with atomistic details is of great importance to achieve the mechanical and thermodynamical stabilities of nanocrystalline (NC) metals over a wide temperature range. Here we report a molecular dynamics analysis of creep in NC copper dominated by competing deformation mechanisms. We found the dominating creep mechanism transits from grain boundary (GB) diffusion to GB sliding, and then dislocation nucleation with increasing stress. The derived stress exponent, small activation volume of 0.1−10b3, and grain size exponent all agree quantitatively with experimental values. We proposed a stress-temperature deformation map in NC metals accommodated by the competition among different stress-driven, thermally activated processes. The model is general to answer the question why deformation mechanism transits with stress in NC metals.


Hajime Kimizuka and Shigenobu Ogata, "Slow diffusion of hydrogen at a screw dislocation core in alpha-iron", Physical Review B, 84-2 (2011) 024116-1-6.

Here we demonstrate and characterize the H-diffusion behavior around a screw dislocation in body-centered cubic (bcc) α-Fe by performing path-integral molecular dynamics modeling and adopting an ab initio–based potential. Counterintuitively, our results indicate that the H diffusivity along the dislocation line is significantly lower than lattice diffusion. Thus, the “fast” pipe diffusion does not occur for H in α-Fe.


Hajime Kimizuka, Hideki Mori, and Shigenobu Ogata, "Effect of Temperature on Fast Hydrogen Diffusion in Iron: A Path-Integral Quantum Dynamics Approach", Physical Review B, 83-9 (2011) 094110-1-7.

Here we explicitly present the diffusion coefficients (D) and activation energies (Ea) of interstitial H in α-Fe over a temperature range of 100 to 1000 K. These values were predicted by applying path-integral molecular dynamics modeling based on first principles. The obtained D and Ea values exhibit clear non-Arrhenius temperature dependence and a transition from quantum to classical behavior at around 500 K. Our results show that the quantum effects not only significantly lower the diffusion barrier but also change the diffusion pathway even at room temperature; thus, fast diffusion becomes possible.


Hajime Kimizuka, Hideki Mori, Hiroki Ushida, and Shigenobu Ogata, "Evaluation of Hydrogen Diffusivity and Its Temperature Dependence in BCC Metals: A Path-Integral Centroid Molecular Dynamics Study", Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals, 73-8 (2009) 571-576. [in Japanese]

We have analyzed the diffusion behavior of interstitial hydrogen in bcc iron and niobium using path-integral centroid molecular dynamics (CMD) method, which can describe the real-time evolution of particles based on quantum statistical mechanics. In this study, the embedded-atom-method (EAM) potential model for the iron-hydrogen interaction is developed to reproduce the ab initio minimum energy path of hydrogen migration based on the density functional theory (DFT) data in the literature, while the description of niobium-hydrogen interaction is based on an empirical potential model. Time evolutions of mean-square displacements of hydrogen atoms in the two bulk metals are calculated at various temperatures, and then diffusion coefficients and activation energies of hydrogen migration are evaluated. Especially in the case of iron, the results are in good agreement with experimental measurements over a wide temperature range. In order to characterize the quantum effects on the hydrogen diffusion process, the CMD results are compared with those obtained from classical molecular dynamics method. The obtained results indicate that the quantum effects can play a significant role in hydrogen diffusivity over a wide temperature range in these bcc metals.


Masahiro Yamamoto, Kohei Kunizawa, Akinori Fujinami, Shigenobu Ogata, and Yoji Shibutani, "Formation of Atomistic Island in Al Film Growth by Kinetic Monte Carlo", Journal of Computational Science and Technology, 3-1 (2009) 148-158.

Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) method realizes the millisecond or second order atomistic thin film growth. Twenty five kinds of events which may occur on Al(111) surface were classified. An attempt frequency and an activation energy of each event were defined using vibration analyses and nudged elastic band (NEB) method by which the minimum energy path (MEP) can be reasonably predicted. Temperature and deposition rate dependences of Al(111) film growth were intensively investigated in the present paper. The higher temperature and the lower rate drive the layer-by-layer film structural change. Two types of islands (fcc and hcp) were seen by modeling without considering the events of diffusion of dimer and trimer, while only fcc islands remain with considering such events. Thus, we find that the primitive events of diffusion of dimer and trimer take important roles in determination of surface morphology.


Masahiro Yamamoto, Akinori Fujinami, Shigenobu Ogata, and Yoji Shibutani, "Hybridized Atomistic Modeling of Migration Observed on Thin Film Surface by Incident Particles", Journal of Computational Science and Technology, 1-1 (2008) 14-21.

Innovative thin film technology to realize the finer electric devices needs to understand the atomic level process of film growth and its relationship to the film characterization. In this paper, the long film growth phenomena for a few micro-second order with the short severe collisions by incident particles are analyzed by the proposed hybridized atomistic modeling. This method combined molecular dynamics (MD) with kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) can directly treat two types of events of deposition and diffusion, which have quite different time scales. The solutions suggest that the large incident kinetic energy of deposited atoms compatible to the realistic physical vapor deposition (PVD) impels to fluctuate the equilibrium on Al (111) surface very drastically and affects the atomic level surface morphology. It is found that the faster incident atoms with 1.0×104 m/s can make the smoother surface than those with the velocity of 1.0×103 m/s. This is due to much activated atomic migration, which can be realized only by MD.


Masahiro Yamamoto, Kohei Kunizawa, Akinori Fujinami, Shigenobu Ogata, and Yoji Shibutani, "Formation of Atomistic Island in Al Film Growth by Kinetic Monte Carlo", Transactions of the JSME A, 73-728 (2007) 490-497. [in Japanese]

Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) method realizes the millisecond or second order atomistic thin film growth. Twenty five kinds of events which may occur on Al (111) surface were classified. An attempt frequency and an activation energy of each event were defined using vibration analyses and nudged elastic band (NEB) method by which the minimum energy path (MEP) can be reasonably predicted. Temperature and deposition rate dependences of Al(lll) film growth were intensively investigated in the present paper. The higher temperature and the lower rate drive the layer-by-layer film structural change. Two types of islands (fee and hep) were seen by modeling without considering the events of diffusion of dimer and trimer, while only fee islands remain with considering such events. Thus, we find that the primitive events of diffusion of dimer and trimer take important roles in determination of surface morphology.
